A parasite to bacteria that is! Did you know that the bacteria in the human body out number the cells 10 to 1?
This bacteria is responsible for a whole host of activity and conversion in the human body yet we do very little to supply, support and maintain this beneficial bacteria we also know as probiotics.
From head to toe, inside and out, there are organisms living symbiotically with you. Due to our over use of antibiotics, high refined food diets and our affinity for anti-bacterial gels, we are compromising our good health.
You see, these beneficial bacteria have a very limited life span and without consistent exposure, you open yourself up to a host of potential deficiency and illness as well as compromised digestion.
The immune activity is dependent upon these friends and without enough troops, bad bacteria, fungi and virus can hit hard.
You can take probiotics but at about $30 a month for a decent probiotic, I'm going to recommend you consume beneficial bacteria the good old fashioned way! Through your food of course! Prior to manufacturing, it was customary to ferment your own vegetables. We're an incredibly lazy culture and now, an ill one to boot!
While you can make your own sauerkraut for pennies on the dollar, you might want to try some flavors out to see the combinations that fit your taste buds. Just 2 tbs. of this powerful food can keep your digestion happy, and by default, you will become a much more efficient metabolizer! I don't have the time to create my own cultures at the moment but I've found a brand that our whole family loves!
It's made by Farmhouse Cultures and the variety of flavors and vegetables are almost unbelievable! This artisanal raw sauerkraut is always in my refrigerator. I love being able to grab a jar knowing that this choice will work as a vegetable as well as provide me the benefit of live cultures to feed and maintain my digestive system which has been abused since birth. Chronic constipation and gastritis have ailed me since I can remember and I feel best when I have these foods at my fingertips.